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10 indictments against the church ~ Paul Washer

This is my sermon notes taken from Paul Washer’s sermon

1. A lack of understanding of the sufficency of Scripture.
2 Timothy 3:15-17

2. An ignorance of who God is. The wrath of God, glory of God, soverignity, ect..

3. Failure to address man’s sinfulness. The depravity of man. “loved much because forgiven much”

4. Ignorance of the Gospel of Christ. Have traded the doctrine of regeneration for decisionism. The reformation battled baptism but now its decisionism through the sinner’s prayer. Where in Scripture did the church evangilize that way? No! Repent!

5. An un-biblical invitation to the Gospel. (God loves me? Great so do I! God has a plan for my life? Great, so do I.) There is a great judgement against you. Run to Christ. The sin you once love you now hate.

6. Ignorance of the nature of the Church. Jesus gave his life for the church and she is his beautiful bride. Jer. 31:31-34. The church is one but what you got is wolves and tares among the sheep (church) Must stand up and confront the wicked. The Fear of the Lord in her heart. Jer. 32:38-40

7. A lack of loving and compassionate church discipline. We confront the worlds culture by obeying God. “you who are spiritual restore”

8. A silence of separation. Holiness, without no one will see the Lord. Heb. 12:14. If Jesus has your heart he has your body.

9. sociology and philosophy has replaced Scripture in regard to the family. How to raise children and the marriage. Judges 17:6. Father, it is your first responsiblity to teach your children in the home. Prov. 13:20 the youth need to be with adults to leave their foolishness. Not always in youth group stuff.

10. Sound doctrine and discipline. 1 Timothy 4:1, 6:-8,16. God is seeking men of character. You can’t learn doctrine well until you live doctrine well.

About forgivensinner

Christian woman. Married with three kids. Is it all about grace?


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